community-led planning, regeneration and economic
development with a
creative and cultural twist
A research and development project commissioned by Hometown Plus in 2017, to assess the viability and potential of a former Morrisons supermarket in Wigan town centre, as a food and growing-focussed social enterprise hub.
This research was undertaken in collaboration with key social enterprise partners working around food, growing, business development and social innovation in the borough of Wigan. The research process brought some partners together for the first time and made policy links to Wigan Borough’s economy, retail, town centre and health and wellbeing strategies.
The research was mainly qualitative research in approach, interviewing 27 participants from Wigan-based food, growing, health and education perspectives. A final presentation was made to Morrisons staff.
Image credits: 1 - 4 Sarah Spanton
5 Architecture Unknown